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Diesel Engine Repair

Diesel Engine Repair

The importance of having your diesel engine regularly serviced is significant. Most diesel engines can continue running smoothly for years if properly maintained. That is why one of the first things you should do once you acquire a diesel engine is find a reputable company that performs quality diesel engine repair and maintenance services. Fortunately, RPM Diesel does exactly this and has been doing it for over half a century. Continue reading or visit our website to find out more about our diesel engine repair and maintenance services and parts by clicking the link provided here: RPM Diesel Company.

Diesel Engine Repair | Services

We cover all applicable diesel engine services in-house and dockside. This includes everything from overhauls to turbo injection. Every service is performed by professional technicians that have an expert knowledge of the intricate workings of these complex machines. The various diesel engine repair and maintenance services we provide are listed below:

  • Common Rail
  • Diesel Engine Maintenance
  • Diesel Engine Overhauls
  • Fuel Injection Services
  • Turbocharger Service
  • Diesel Generator Service

Our new Bosch Common Rail EPS 815 test bench is capable of analyzing deficiencies in common rail fuel systems, breaking down fuel deliveries with 1/10 of a cubic mm. This then allows our technicians to diagnose any potential issues and move forward with the proper repair work. You can watch a video of it in action here:

Diesel Engine Repair | Parts

We also carry a variety of different hard to find diesel engine and generator parts. Many of the most popular manufacturers have allowed us to be factory authorized to distribute their products. Here is a list of some of the different manufacturers we distribute parts for:

You can find many of the parts we carry already listed on our website here: BUY PARTS

If you need a specific part for your diesel engine or generator that is not listed then get in touch with us and let us know what it is. We will quickly start searching for it and get back to you as soon as possible letting you know when it has arrived and we can ship it to you.

Diesel Engine Repair | About Us

RPM Diesel Company is South Florida’s complete source for diesel engine or generator repair and maintenance services. We have been operating since 1956 and are located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. We perform all of our service work in strict compliance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and guarantee the results of the work we provide. CONTACT US if you have any additional questions or to request a specific part for your diesel engine or marine generator.

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Diesel Engine Repair
